Being non-renewable, the conventional sources of energy are depleting at an extremely fast rate and may soon become extinct. In order to deal with this problem, people from various parts of the world are trying to exploit the energy available from the non-conventional sources of energy. The sun is considered to be one of the most powerful sources of energy and can be used efficiently for meeting the needs and demands of the people in the modern world. Advancements in the field of science and technology have resulted in the development of a wide range of tools and equipments which can be used effectively for harnessing solar power. With high solar padding, India is regarded as one of the major countries capable of utilizing solar power for meeting its requirements. A large portion of the Thar Desert has been utilized for installing the energy system in India.
The country has a plan of installing solar power systems and equipments at various places across the country, especially government offices and hospitals by the end of the decade. With more than 300 days in which the sun shines brightly in India, the amount of solar power incident over the country on an average range from 4-8 kWh/m2. Even if the power modules and equipments installed for trapping solar power have an efficiency of 10%, India will be able to generate enough power for meeting its electrical requirements. A energy company in India is capable of generating a large amount of power with the help of modern tools and products. The country has a great reputation in the global market as one of the most potent sources of generating solar power. The energy system in India is composed of solar lamps, solar cookers, heating systems and solar photovoltaic cells.
A energy company in India mainly utilizes two kinds of solar power equipments such as active or passive depending on the mode of capturing, converting and distributing the solar power. The passive equipments harness the energy by orienting a building towards the Sun, selecting materials with appropriate mass and light capturing properties and fabricating spaces which circulate air naturally. On the other hand, active solar tools utilize thermal collectors and solar photovoltaic panels for harnessing the power. The energy system in India is currently available at much affordable rates and allows you to save large sums of money that is spent on electricity.
Power is considered to be inexhaustible and available easily. It acts as a great alternative to fossil fuels and assists in utilizing them wisely as well. Being an independent resource, every human being is capable of gaining profits from this energy. It decreases pollution and strives towards sustainability. Modern solar systems generally have a minimum life span of 35 years and are available at affordable prices as well. The energy of the sun is trapped by the plants and utilized for producing food, biomass and wood. Since the biomass degrades with time leading to the production of fossil fuels, energy can be regarded as an indirect source of conventional energy sources.
Sanjay is an expert writer, he is currently associated with SPM Energy, a leading Solar Energy Company in India. He has been efficient in providing useful information about Solar energy company and Solar energy system in India. For More Visit-: Rate this ArticleIndia's Potential Of Generating Solar Energy Is ImmenseNot Rated YetJhonson Hussey has published 7 articles. Article submitted on June 25, 2013. Word count: 510Science and the scriptures complement one another. The Bible has been proven true in both in History and Science. The flood has been reported by every known culture. Sodom was destroyed by fire and now is located in the Dead Sea area. All the reported names of the foreign kings have been verified.
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