Humic Acid Definition and Usage

Researchers believe that this is the missing link to optimal health and nutrition, which can change life for the better. Experts agree that this nutritional element should be used in conjunction with vitamins and minerals as a key dietary requirement. Since the discovery of this substance, pharmaceutical companies have rushed to have synthetic versions of the substance patented. However, it is naturally available in a much more potent form than the synthetic version, which could never be copied. humic acid is formed by Earth itself.

The ancient deposits in the soil, is commonly known as humus. It is that organic part of the soil that stays behind after centuries of microbial decomposition of vegetation and animals. Coal and oil form as a result of further decomposition. Humic deposits are another strata, which at first was most unusual to geologists. The compound is dark in color and alkaline soluble. The substance acts as an acceptor or donor of electrons, depending on what is needed. Basically, it will bind to both negatively and positively charged electrons. This makes humic acid the most powerful scavenger of free radicals and a powerful natural anti-oxidant. Humic acid is a powerful immune booster.

It also helps the body to manufacture glycoproteins which attach to killer T-cells. It acts as a modulator or a link between the cells in order to regulate the immune cells and preventing the cells from becoming unbalanced. T-cells play an important role in the immune response of the body. Cytotoxic Thymus cells destroy infected cellules. When activated, the T-cells secrete cytokines and proliferate.

These cells are attacked by the HIV infection and when there is a decrease in CD4+ T cells, AIDS is the result. Regulatory T-cells, otherwise known as suppressor T-cells suppress the immune system to maintain a homeostasis. Autoimmune diseases result from this homeostasis of the immune system as immunocytes attack the healthy cells in the same body. This is often seen in victims of burn incidents and radiation sickness. The dead cells are attacked and this creates unwanted infections. However, humates cause the immune system to reduce infection by recognizing its own dead cellules.

Several institutions are researching topical and internal humates to see how infections can be reduced in burn victims. Fulvic acid is a component of humate and is a very powerful chelator with unique abilities. Minerals that are life sustaining are placed in a phyto-state (chemical state) to make them readily absorbed by the organisms or cells. Toxic cells are chelated too and put in a chemical state that makes it harder to be absorbed by the cellules. It removes heavy metals including mercury and lead from the bloodstream.

In soil, fulvic acid acts as a filter for toxic metals by grabbing and immobilizing it to prevent it from migrating or causing a chemical reaction. Crops grown in fulvic deficient soil can absorb toxins. The soil in which our food is currently grown is nutritionally depleted, which is why there is simply not enough nutrition in the food. This is why it is necessary to take humic acid supplements.

GreenAgroSource is manufacturer of humic acid based organic fertilizers, main products:humic acid , potassium humate, boron humate, potassium fulvate, fulvic acid, humate formulation. Rate this Article

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Jian Han has published 9 articles. Article submitted on April 23, 2013. Word count: 515

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