What are UF Membranes Used For?

UF membranes, or ultrafiltration membranes, are semi-porous membranes used to separate suspended solids and large molecules from a liquid. The liquid is forced through membranes. Because of the pore size of the material, the liquid and small particles flow through the membrane module while the larger particles remain behind. Ultrafiltration is commonly used to purify and concentrate solutions. Some of the more common applications for them are described below.

Brine Clarification - The dairy industry uses it to clarify, and thus reuse, the brine solution generated during cheese curing processes. Rather than disposing of this solution and incurring disposal costs, the brine is clarified and reused.Whey Protein Concentration and Isolation - The dairy industry also uses spiral-wound membranes in whey protein concentrate and isolate production. Cheese whey, a byproduct of cheese production which is often disposed of at great cost, contains whey protein which has become a desirable product in its own right. Instead of disposing of this cheese byproduct, many dairies use them to separate and concentrate whey protein. Thus, they can market another product - one that would've previously been thrown away.Milk Protein Concentration and Isolation - The dairy industry uses membranes to concentrate milk proteins from skim milk.Protein Fractionation and Separation - UF membranes are used to separate whey and casein protein.Disinfecting Drinking Water and Water Purification - Passing drinking water through a membrane module made of membranes is an effective means of removing viruses. UF membranes are also used to purify water.Clarifying Fruit Juice - UF membranes are commonly used to clarify fruit juice by separating particles that would otherwise make the juice appear cloudy.Paint Solids Recovery - UF membranes are used by the paint industry to recover paint solids and clean systems.Other Uses - UF membranes are also used to concentrate or recover antibodies, vaccines, and biotech proteins; to desalt proteins; to treat industrial wastewater; and in dialysis.

Types of UF MembranesUF membranes are typically offered as either pressurized or immersed systems. With pressurized systems, a pump is used to pressurize the feed solution; meanwhile, the permeate remains at atmospheric pressure. With an immersed system, membranes are immersed in the feed solution; a pump is used to create suction on the permeate side. UF membrane modules come in different configurations. Some of the more common types are:

Hollow fiber - A hollow fiber membrane module contains small tubes or fibers. The feed solution flows through the tubes. The permeate collects in the cartridge surrounding the tubes.Tubular - With a tubular membrane module, the feed solution flows through the tube while the permeate collects in the housing.Spiral wound - With a spiral wound membrane module, several membrane layers are spiral wound around a tube which provides more surface area.

Cleaning UF Membranes Many membrane modules can be "cleaned in place" or sanitized without the use of chlorine. For example, the Ultrafiltration Compatibility Coefficient (UFCC) evaluation, which is commonly used to compare UF performance for paint applications, indicates cleaning frequency. Membranes with a UFCC rating of.95 or above generally do not require cleaning while those rated.80 to.95 may require cleaning one or two times per year.

Travis Radford Photo Travis is the author of this article on what UF membranes are used for. He informs his readers the benefits of ultrafiltration membranes and membrane modules have on different industries. In his free time he enjoys writing articles and volunteering at community events. Rate this Article

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Travis Radford has published 12 articles. Article submitted on September 10, 2013. Word count: 505

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Understanding Electrocoating Anode Systems

Anode systems are commonly used in the electrocoating process. Electrocoating is used to deposit paint onto metal by dipping the metal part into an electrically charged paint bath.

The Electrocoating Process

Metal parts are first cleaned and prepped for electrocoating before being dipped into the bath. This paint bath is electrically charged with a current running between the part and an oppositely charged anode. Because of the charge, the is magnetically attracted to the metal part.

According to DuPont's Science of Automotive, the paint solution consists primarily of water with roughly 15 to 22 percent paint solids. Electrocoating attracts these solids to the metal part, creating a film of between 75 to 90 percent solids. Coating continues until the thickness of the layer begins to resist. However, remote interior surfaces begin increasing their current draw, attracting paint solids to them. These remote areas are typically inaccessible using conventional spraying.

Finally, the coated parts are then rinsed to remove undeposited paint solids known as a "cream coat." These paint solids are later recovered by the anode system, allowing for the most efficient use of paint. After rinsing, the parts are then baked in an oven to cure the paint.

The Benefits of Electrocoating

Though electrocoating requires investing in specialized anode systems, electrocoating is a cost-effective choice for manufacturers that use conventional spray coating processes. Electrocoating is less labor-intensive as well. It usually requires one person to operate controls, monitor operations, and replenish paint materials. In addition, electrocoating minimizes paint waste with close to 100 percent of paint material used or recovered for reuse. Inaccessible interior areas can be coated with electrocoating thanks to the electrical attraction of anode systems. The use of volatile organic solvents is minimal with electrocoating, resulting in a more environmentally friendly painting process. In addition, electrocoating produces consistent film thicknesses based on bath temperatures and voltage.

What are Anodes?

Anode systems contain anodes, but what are they? Anodes are electrodes designed to allow an electric current to flow through it. Opposite charges are used. While anodes commonly contain a positive charge, this isn't a given. It depends on the type and purpose of the anode systems in which the anodes will be used. The anode's charge, negative or positive, will influence the flow of electrons inward or outward.

Anode Systems in Electrocoating

Anode systems used in electrocoating typically consist of an anolyte tank and a paint tank. The anolyte tank collects water and spent anolyte solution. A pump is used to pump fresh anolyte solution into the anode which is located in the paint tank. The anode charges the paint solution, allowing for electrocoating. Spent anolyte solution is returned through the anode to the anolyte tank. Anode systems also contain a variety of features such as current monitoring systems, conductivity controllers, UV systems, and ultrasonic level sensors.

Anode systems allow for more efficient painting with a dramatically smaller environmental footprint compared to conventional spraying processes. Lower labor costs, greater utilization of paints, less waste, and fewer volatile organic compounds make anode systems a smart choice.

Travis Radford Photo Travis is the author of this article on understanding electrocoating anod systems. He informs his readers the benefits of a spiral wound membranes and electrocoat membranes have on different industries. In his free time he enjoys writing articles and volunteering at community events.

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Organizing Your Middle School Science Classroom

Stuffed away in the cabinets of your science classroom are the interchangeable pieces of dozens of different experiments, which you are in charge of keeping in a straight and orderly fashion throughout the school year. Your middle school science classroom could definitely use a new experimental method so that you don't have to keep sorting through shelves of boxes and bottles to set up for an experiment.

If you are considering changing over to pre-packaged science modules in order to avoid the hassle of trying to find room for all the pieces in your classroom, then you need to be aware of what you are ordering. There are certain things to look for in science modules that signify quality. Here are 4 features to look for in science modules before you get them for your students.

Re-Useable Storage Package

If you're looking to make your middle school science classroom less of a mess, then you need to find science kits that have the ability to store themselves. Quality kits only remain that way so long as you have all of the pieces that they need. When shopping for a module, make certain that the one you are looking at comes in a sturdy container or box with room to realistically put all the pieces back inside. This allows you not only to keep all the pieces of the kit together, but makes it easier to store it as well.

Easy Re-Ordering

For the components inside these science modules, you will need to know that each chemical can be easily replaced. Having to reorder the entire kit simply because you run out of a single bottle of test strips or chemicals simply will not do. It will be a waste of money, and end up costing you in the long run. Each component of the kit should be individually available for re-order, and that ordering process should be a simple one. Make sure you check out the re-ordering options before you get the kit.

Realistic Self-Supplied Parts

Every science kit contains pieces that the educator has to provide in the classroom. Before you order the module in question, make sure that the amount of self-supplied pieces is realistic. This list should be in the information about the kit itself. It is perfectly reasonable to need to provide test tubes, water, or peroxide for science modules to be successful. However, you shouldn't need to provide more items for the kit than the kit itself contains.

Ease Of Reset And Clean Up

Between each of your middle school science classes, you will need to reset the experiment. Because of this, you should make sure that the time to clean up after the last class and to reset the experiment for the next group is feasible. Some kits provide reset options that are so simple, you can talk the previous class through the majority of them before they leave.

There are many reason Middle School Science is important. Larry Bond believes that Science Modules are helpful in educating a child. Because having these materials at skill provides them opportunity to learn and discover more about science.

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